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Motor City Mech Meetup 2023

I have so many draft blog posts. Seriously, my ADHD is so bad that I’ll start a post with great intentions and plans for the whole thing. But then my brain will just shut off. I’m starting this post off like this because the last real blog post I wrote was a year ago about last years meetup. Anyway, today was the second Motor City Mech Meetup. This time in a new location, actually in Detroit! It seemed like there were less people in attendance this year and I’m sure that had to do with the max capacity of the venue. ...

October 7, 2023 · updated August 12, 2024 · 3 min · Chance
MCMM Flyer

Motor City Mech Meetup

​ So over the weekend was the Motor City Mech Meetup, a keyboard meetup graciously hosted by The Key Company. It was a pretty small meetup and (possibly) the first one to be hosted in Michigan but boy was it a blast. It was hosted in the TKC warehouse in Troy, Michigan which is only about 30 minutes from where I live so it was a no brainer to go. We were lucky enough to get a few “celebrities” of the keyboard world to come out for the meetup. Dutch, Captain Sterling, and Mochi Crafts were all in attendance which was a huge treat for me personally because Marie of Mochi Crafts has been a friend of mine for a decade or so from an even more niche community, the now defunct MacThemes. ...

November 3, 2022 · updated February 5, 2025 · 3 min · Chance

Why I Believe Everyone Should Use 2FA

I never really figured out what I wanted to do with this blog, but I have decided that it’s going to be a place for me to write about whatever I feel is important to me at the moment. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I really value privacy and security. I believe that it is a basic human right and everyone should take it seriously. I’ve already written a post about the password manager that I use so I figured I’d kind of build on to that subject with which 2FA app I used and why. I’ll also explain what 2FA is and why it’s important. ...

August 26, 2020 · updated February 5, 2025 · 7 min · Chance

My Password Manager - gopass Pt. II

Okay. So in my last post I completely neglected to talk about the features of gopass and what really made me choose it. I can’t believe I just forgot to talk about what the post was supposed to be about. Derp. So I’m going to make that up with this post. Why I use gopass In the last post I really only talked about the fact that I didn’t like some company potentially having access to my data. While that is the main reason I decided to switch from Bitwarden, it’s not the only reason. I like the simplicity of being able to quickly find and copy my passwords from the command line. Now, I don’t do that too often because I use the browser extensions, it’s still quick and handy when I need it. ...

December 10, 2019 · updated February 5, 2025 · 6 min · Chance

My Password Manager - gopass

In our digital lives we create a lot of accounts – and with these accounts come a lot of passwords. If you are like me, then you want to keep these accounts safe. I used to be the kind of person that used one password for every single account. I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know how terrible of a place the internet could be. When I was younger I didn’t really have anything on the internet that was of value to anyone else. But then I started making my own money. And with my own money came my own debit card. And with my own debit card came making purchases online. ...

November 30, 2019 · updated February 5, 2025 · 6 min · Chance

Taking a Break

The Holidays Are Coming And with that, my free time is leaving. Which sucks. I’m working more, and when I’m not working I’m ether sleeping, or spending time with my family. Now, I’m not saying that spending time with family sucks. I love my family. I love spending time with them, but I’ll have less time to myself until the end of the year. And that means I’ll have less time to stream on Twitch. I like streaming on Twitch and I know I’ve been slacking lately. I want to get back into it and make it a more regular thing. I know that I say that a lot and then I just end up going back to not streaming. ...

November 26, 2019 · updated February 5, 2025 · 1 min · Chance

A Welcome Back

So it’s been quite a while since my last post. In the beginning I had no idea what this blog was going to be, and to be honest, I still have no idea. It was originally going to be a “tech” focused blog. Just random writings about random tech stuff I found myself doing/learning about. But then I never got around to doing that. But now I think it’s just going to be about my life. Just posts about things going on with me. Maybe someone will find them interesting or useful depending on the context of the post. But for now I’m just going to post an update. ...

November 17, 2019 · updated February 5, 2025 · 2 min · Chance